Prof. Dr. Ingrid Gottschalk
Consultation hours
On request.
since 2014 | apl. professor at the University of Hohenheim |
2005-2017 | Lecturer for Economics of Culture at the institute for Culturemanagement of the University of education Ludwigsburg |
since 2000 | Private lecturer at the University of Hohenheim |
2000 | Venia Legendi for Consumer Behaviour and Consumer Policy at the University of Hohenheim |
1978 | Doctorate at the University of Hohenheim; Dr. oec. |
1973 | Economics at the University Hamburg, Diploma-Economist |
Member of advisory boards
- Member of advisory board of consumer protection agency Baden- Württemberg e.V.
- Member of board of trustees Kunststiftung Baden- Württemberg GmbHg (2001-2018)
- Bachelorseminar:
Profile Seminar on Health Behaviour
- Masterseminar:
Consumer Behavior & Health: Fighting temptation for the sake of health
Research interests
- Consumer Economics
- Consumer Behaviour
- Consumer Policy
- Consumer Economics and Marketing
- Economics of Art and Culture
- Health Economics
Selected publications
Gottschalk, I. (2018). Consumer evaluation of ambient scent. The Impact of pre-information, environment, and persuasion knowledge. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 46(6), 530-544. | |
Gottschalk, I.(2017). Kulturökonomik. In: A. Klein (Hrsg.). Kompendium Kulturmanagement. Handbuch für Studium und Praxis. 4. Auflage, S. 249-278. München: Vahlen. | |
Gottschalk, I. (2016). Kulturökonomik. Probleme, Fragestellungen und Antworten, 2., aktualisierte Auflage. Wiesbaden: Springer VS | |
Gottschalk, I./Kirn, S. (2013). "Cloud computing as a tool for enhancing ecological goals?", Business & Information Systems Engeneering (BISE), 55(5): 299-313. | |
Gottschalk, I./Leistner, T. (2013). "Consumer reactions to the availability of organic food in discount supermarkets", International Journal of Consumer Studies, 37(2): 136–142. | |
Gottschalk, I./Schneiderhan, B. (2011). "Verbraucherinformationsgesetz: Kenntnisse, Erwartungen und Konsequenzen", Hauswirtschaft und Wissenschaft 1/2011, 34-41. | |
Gottschalk, I. (2007). "Der kühle Denker - Homo oeconomicus: Grundlagen des ökonomischen Verhaltensmodells". In: Economag, 1. | |
Gottschalk, I. (2007). "Werbekompetenz im Kindergarten", Merz, medien+erziehung, 51(3), 59-65. | |
Gottschalk, I. (2001). "Meritorische Güter und Konsumentensouveränität – Aktualität einer konfliktreichen Beziehung.", Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, 52(2), 152-170. | |
Gottschalk, I. (2001). Ökologische Verbraucherinformation. Grundlagen, Methoden und Wirkungschancen. Habilitationsschrift. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot. | |