Information on the Master Seminar "Consumer Behaviour and Health" of Summersemester 2020 [07.02.20]
Interested students can inform themselves about the seminar at ILIAS. Those who are interested should contact Prof. Dr. Gottschalk directly by mail as soon as possible. A topic for the seminar paper is not required to be chosen yet.
The subject area of the seminar is "Consumer reactions to technological challanges in health care"
Possible Topics:
- Service robots on the rise - How are consumers coping?
- Human-robot interaction - What improvements are possible?
- How will health apps become tools for health-conscious consumer behavior?
- How can a continuous use of health apps be promoted?
- Analysis of the user structure of mobile health apps - Is a new digital divide looming?
- How can the acceptance of chat bots in the health sector be increased?
- What characterizes resistance to artificial intelligence in medicine?
- Apps and robots for health - Are there ethical and legal limits?
For the seminar "Consumer Bahaviour & Health" (5301-580) of the summer semester 2020 information, the above mentioned topic suggestions and initial literature per topic are available on ILIAS. If you are interested, please contact Prof. Dr. Gottschalk immediately or by 01.03.2020 at the latest via e-mail: .
You are welcome to indicate your three preferred topics in the mail, however, this is not obligatory for registration in the seminar. You can also register without a specific topic or with further topic suggestions. You should indicate your topic preferences after your registration by e-mail by 01.03.2020 at the latest. A collective preliminary discussion is planned, for which we ask you to suggest possible dates.
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